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isos logo white


#iSoS Empowering and Innovations

Full Guide with Templates & Materials


The #iSoS Empowering and Innovations logo is the main element in the visual communication of the project. It consists of a font logo and a sign. Through constant contact with it, it is the main component of the identification of the project. It can’t be modified, redrawn or transformed. Please use only design elements and files that are provided in this guideline.

There are short versions of the logo. 

isos logo short blue
Ресурс 11хештег Sos_Project 2.0 blue

Monochrome logo

Use a monochrome logo in cases where color use is not possible. In all other cases, only the color version should be used.

isos logo short black

Logo safe zone
(minimum padding)

The safe zone includes the boundaries that provide the best reading of the logo on any media. No foreign element should cross the safe zone, otherwise there is a great risk that the logo will hashtag, which will lead to a visual clutter of the composition. In the example, it is noted that the safe zone is measured using the height of the hashtag of the logo. This rule works both for the main logo and the short version.

Ресурс 11хештег Sos_Project 2.0 blue

Invalid use

Here are examples of misusing logo. Of course, only the main possible options are presented here, so we recommend you follow the rules of composition and color in all other cases.

Compress or stretch

Сhange aspect ratio

Rotate and flip

Crop logo visibility

Change the font part of the logo

Add various effects, shadows, etc.

Change the color of logo elements

Place on patterns or plates


Bend font



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 «»–:;’?!@#$%&*()

Auxiliary Font



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 «»–:;’?!@#$%&*()


All colors are presented in 4 systems.

RGB and HEX are used for digital printing on digital media and on the web. CMYK and Pantone are used for printing.

It is practically impossible to recreate accurately the color on various media. But data transcription will help you to get the ideal result as close as it is possible.

Always do color proofs whenever you can.

Ресурс 14sos_project 2.0 hash

Examples of using logos in the design of the visual part of events

Option 1

Your logo

Project logo

Logos of consortium members

Option 2

Project logo

Logos of consortium members

Your logo

Material approval

Correctly placed logos

The Disclaimer

The publication is prepared in at least one of the defined project languages Russian and/or English. It is also possible to translate on the national language of the country where the partner organization works, but as an additional option by the request of the partner

The publication has been approved by the Alliance for Public Health

Basic post branding requirements:

  • Having correctly placed logos

  • The presence of a disclaimer

  • The publication is prepared in at least one of the defined project languages Russian and/or English, it is also possible to translate the national language of the country in which the partner organization operates, but as an additional option at the request of the partner

  • The publication has been approved by the Alliance for Public Health


Inna Gavrylova

PR & Communications

Alliance for Public Health